About Our Club

A message from the past president, Jaime Alvarado

Why collaborate with Rotary Amigos

Rotary Clubs worldwide are first and foremost focused to serve in their local community.  In Wisconsin, Rotary Club Amigos de Milwaukee is unique in that we are rooted in a Latino community.  In this message for collaboration,  I will share a few perspectives on the needs of the community, what Rotary is, and who we are; in a one page doc.
This Milwaukee community is culturally diverse with hard working residents, but great challenges exist because of a cycle of poverty.  Some of its disturbing effects (in various degrees) include hunger, crime, lack higher education, and limited opportunity. The root cause to many social ills is poverty.  Rotary International recognizes this a significant issue to address.
There are promising business and professional leaders emerging from our community, but 40% of the youth are currently dropping out of high schools and 60% of households live in poverty. Rotary Amigos recognizes the issue(s) and need for collaboration and community leadership.  We will engage into programs that inspire and offer relief, opportunity and hope.
Skills training and access to jobs offer great relief, but deficiencies exist and need attention.  If there is a consensus cure for poverty and it’s ills, education is the long term remedy.  A culture of education needs to be a community norm, and in the case with youth; consistent parent contact/engagement and support can to be demanded, positive, and incentivized.
The greatest influence begins at home, then the community, we all have a stake/incentive.  A parent does not need a degree, but partnerships to implement best practices (discipline), promote goals and encourage aspiration.  Unfortunately, families may also be challenged in providing basic needs that facilitates a positive and effective learning environment.  
These basic needs are humanitarian needs that have to be addressed.  Along with equitable access to an effective education, some families may also need assistance with: nutrition, health-care, counseling, policy issues, and housing.  Community COLLABORATION and a culture of education can empower families to not only break the cycle, but prosper.
Rotary Amigos intends to be a part of solutions and are fortunate to be a part of Rotary International.  This is an amazing organization with a vision of: business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
In 1905 Paul Harris, a Racine Wisconsin native, founded Rotary with an ambitious vision.  In the past 100+ years, membership has grown from 8 in Chicago to over 1.2 million in over 200 countries.  The world bestows Rotary with the highest credibility. In catastrophes or wars, Rotarians are often offered safe passage regardless of boarders or ethnicities.
Rotary Amigos embraces this powerful vision which promotes understanding, collaboration, and peace. Our two year old club has members who have visited five countries and have distributed aid and friendship.  At our visioning session in October '10, we’ve identified exciting goals and a basis for a 3-5 year strategic plan, primarily focused on the community.  
There are over 33,000 clubs internationally, 150 clubs in Wisconsin, and 20 in the greater Milwaukee area who meet weekly.  We offer great opportunities to network and make lasting friendships with some of the most influential business, professional, and community leaders.  These distinguished clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.
As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary’s main objective is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.  We started the club in 2009 with this objective and believe we will flourish with area professionals to make a positivo” impact in the quality of life.  To succeed, we seek diversity, perspectives, and partnerships.
We embrace fellowship and an inviting environment for guests, members and their families.  During the year we offer a mix of provocative topics, professional development, leadership skills, social events, and service opportunities.  Service to others - spreads inspiration, moreover; deeds springs exhilaration to one’s soul and vigor to one’s self esteem.
Rotary Club Amigos de Milwaukee is poised to grow stronger and identified as passionate “profesionales extraordinario”, the go to organization for humanitarian service.  We are the "amigos club" that inspire and provide relief, opportunity, and hope for our community.
We meet every Tuesday (6:00 pm-7:00 pm) and welcome all visitors.  Please check our "Events" tab on our website RotaryAmigos.Org as details may change on the upcoming fantastic programs/speakers and events.  We look forward to see you soon!