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Tuesday, January 14 - 6 - 7 p.m. In-person or via Zoom
Please join us for the Rotary Club Milwaukee Amigos After Hours meeting Tuesday, January 14th from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. either in person at the Milwaukee Athletic Club or via Zoom.

The presentation, "My Work as a U.S. Diplomat", will be given by speaker Jon Ward. Jon is a wealth of knowledge and can additionally share, information regarding the building of peace, as this is one of Rotary's primary values and initiatives.
Jon Ward
Jon is a retired U.S. diplomat. Now a member of the Rotary Club of Milwaukee, he was a member of the Rotary Club of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and the Rotary Club of Calcutta, India. He also served in Brazil, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq and as Director for South and Central Asia at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and as a Middle East Foreign Policy Advisor in the Directorate of Strategic Plans and Policy at the Joint Staff. He later worked as the Executive Director of the Miami-Dade County International Trade Consortium, and Director of International Trade and Investment for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Jon holds J.D., MBA, and BS degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is an Army veteran of Operation Desert Storm.  
Those who can join us in person may opt to also go to dinner in the dining room at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, 758 N. Broadway, Milwaukee.
If joining by Zoom, please use the following link
Topic: Rotary Amigos Meeting - Guess speaker Jon Ward: "My Work as a U.S. Diplomat"
Time: Jan 14, 2025 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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    Leadership Attended President Elect Training

    President-elect Frey Faris, President-Nominee Fessahaye Mebrahtu, current President Marta Carrion, and club founder Angela Rester joined Rotarians from Wisconsin and Northern Illinois for leadership training last weekend in Itasca, IL.  
    Check out more about President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) and listen to keynote Jennifer Jones's, Past President of Rotary International, compelling and informative presentation by clicking here!

    Amigos Rotarian Rob Grede - Humanitarian, Marketing Specialist AND Now - Playwright, Composer, and Lyracist of   "RIP — A Musical Comedy of Life & Death,"

    RIP had its world premiere from July 17th-28th, 2024 at Next Act Theatre's performance space in Milwaukee, WI. Many Amigos Rotarians and District Governor Peter Bosch attended several performances.  Rob is available for Rotary Club programs to share the journey of the idea, the journey, and "what's next".  Watch for a future date when he will present to the Amigos Club.

    Click here to see a promo piece about RIP   

    Click here to read Journal Sentinel article and a more extensive one by clicking here

    Club Information
    The Rotary Club Milwaukee Amigos After Hours is a multilingual club with a passion for diversity in Milwaukee
    Milwaukee Amigos After Hours

    Service Above Self

    We meet In Person
    Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
    Milwaukee Athletic Club
    758 N. Broadway
    Milwaukee, WI 53202
    United States of America
    (262) 488-4747
    In-Person at Milwaukee Athletic Club AND Virtual via Zoom every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of Month Service Project every 5th Tuesday of Month
    Bulletin Subscribe
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    Upcoming Events
    Club Service Project - Cathedral Center
    Oct 29, 2024, Amigos Serves  Dinner

    Every 5th Tuesday of the month, Amigos Rotarians prepare and serve dinner to the women and children at Cathedral Center.  This project is in its 8th year of partnership.

    Please join us in October!

    Rotary Spotlight

    Liz Nevitt Selected as District Governor Candidate for the 2025/26 Rotary Year

    We are thrilled to announce that Elizabeth “Liz” Nevitt has been selected as our candidate for District Governor for the 2025/2026 Rotary year, subject to approval by Rotary International and ratification by the District members at the annual business meeting in the spring of 2023.

    Liz is a fourth generation Rotarian. She joined the Menasha Rotary Club in 1998 and moved to the Ripon Rotary Club in 2012. Liz served as President of each club twice, and held other club leadership roles. At the District level, she served as Assistant Governor for three years, District Family of Rotary Resource Group Coordinator and has been the District Stewardship Subcommittee Chair for the past three years. Liz is also a Rotary Foundation Major Donor, Paul Harris Sustaining Member, and the District's newest PolioPlus Society member.

    Please join us in congratulating her and thanking her for her continuing service to Rotary.
    Connect with us!